Simple script for login to the FUM hotspot.

Simple script for login to the FUM hotspot.

If you want to simply login to the FUM hotspot, do the followings:

At first you must compute the MD5 hash of your password:

echo -n "Password" | md5sum | awk '{print $1}'

Please replace the Password with yours.

Then create a simple bash script:

while true; do
    curl --data "username=Username&password=HashedPass" > /dev/null
    sleep 100

You should replase the Username with your FUM one and the HashedPass with the output of the above command.

You can make this script executable and put it in your binary PATHs (for example ~/bin) for easier life.

To logout simply create another script like below:

curl --data "username=Username&password=HashedPass" > /dev/null
Mohammad Hosseinirad
Postdoctoral Researcher

I’m Mohammad Hosseinirad. A postdoc researcher at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.